

Logging in. Returns a corresponding user entity when logging in successfully.

Endpoint https://judgeapi.u-aizu.ac.jp
Server judgeapi
URI /session

Request body parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Example
id User ID string yes s1220233
password Login password string yes ****

Request body example

  "id": "s1220233",
  "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD"

Response fields

Field Description Type Frequency Example
id User ID string 1 s1220233
name User name string 1 Michael
affiliation Affiliation of the user string 1 University of Aizu
registerDate The date of the user registration long integer 1 1397723423672
lastSubmitDate The date of the last submission long integer 1 1435148630523
policy The policy of submitted source codes string 1 public
country The country living in string 1 jp
birthYear Birth year long integer 1 1995
displayLanguage Display language string 1 Japanese
defaultProgrammingLanguage Default programming language string 1 Python3
status User status json 1 values below
- submissions The number of submissions integer 1 27
- solved The number of solved problems integer 1 5
- accepted The number of accepted submissions integer 1 7
- wrongAnswer The number of wrong submissions integer 1 14
- timeLimit The number of submissions which exceeded time limit integer 1 0
- memoryLimit The number of submissions which exceeded memory limit integer 1 0
- outputLimit The number of submissions which exceeded the limit of output integer 1 0
- compileError The number of compilation failed submissions integer 1 0
- runtimeError The number of submissions which caused failure while running integer 1 6
url The url of homepage string 1 null

Response example

  "affiliation":"University of Aizu",
  "status": {